1. MYSQL SQL_NO_CACHE的真正含义 http://www.dewen.org/q/5149/Mysql
是 结果不缓存,但查询还是缓存了。
如果要重新测试,就在查询前先执行一下"FLUSH QUERY CACHE",清空一下query cache
creat database if not exists testdb;
create table if not exists APIaccout (
`userid` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `host` varchar(50), `request_method` varchar(20), `script_url` varchar(1024), `request_url` varchar(1024), `domain` varchar(50) , PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `userid`) #此处设置多个主键 )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;2.INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
可以实现 原主键记录存在的话更新, 不存在的话插入。(而 REPLACE INTO 则会删除原来重复的记录,再插入)建表语句:
create table 表名(列名称,列类型 [列属性][默认值]), engine 引擎名 charset 字符集增:
往那张表增,增哪几列,各为什么值;insert into 表名 (列1,列2, ... 列n)values(值1, 值2.......值N)如果不声明拆入的列,则默认拆入所有列;
修改哪张表,修改哪几列,修改成什么值?在哪几行上生效update 表名
set列1 = 值1列2 = 值2.。。列N = 值Nwhere 表达式
删除哪几张表的数据,删那些行delete from 表名
where 表达式查:select * from 表名查询5种子句:where 后面的表示式子代入到每行,确认是否成立;
where shop_price - market_price > 200;in(值1, 值2, 值3, ...值N)等于值1-N任意之一,都可以;
select good_id, cat_id from goods where cat_id in (4, 5);between 在某一范围内;
between 值1 and 值2, 表示在值1和值2之间(允许等于边界);select good_it, cat_id from goods where cat_id between 1 and 6;or用法
select good_id, good_name, shop_price from goods where shop_price >=3000and shop_price <=5000 or shop_price >=500 and shop_price<=1000;not的用法:
select good_id, cat_id from goods where cat_id not in (4, 5);select good_id, cat_id from goods where cat_id!=4 and cat_id != 5;模糊查询:‘ % ’:通配任意字符 '_':单个字符
select good_id, cat_id from goods where good_name like '%诺基亚%';group by (要和聚合函数(统计函数)一起使用)
作用:把行 按 字段 分组语法:group by col1, col2, ... colN运用场合: 常见于统计场合,如按栏目计数帖子数, 统计每个人的平均成绩等;max(shop_price) //聚合函数
select good_id, good_name, max(shop_price) from goods; //语法是错误的
select min(shop_price) from goods; //okselect cat_id, max(shop_price) from goods group by cat_id;
select min(shop_price) from goods;
select min(goods_id) from goods;
select sum(goods_number) from goods;
select avg(shop_price) from goods;
select count(*) from goods;select cat_id, min(shop_price) from goods group by cat_id; //ok
select cat_id, count(*) from goods group by cat_id;
select good_id, good_name, market_price-shop_price from goods;
select cat_id, sum(shop_price *good_number) from goods group by cat_id;
给列取别名: as
select cat_id, sum(shop_price*goods_number) as huokuan from goods group by cat_id;
select goods_id, good_cat from goods where